Monthly Archives: October 2013

Car Diesel Engine Maintenance Tips

Today, people buying diesel cars for the first time have a lot of fears and doubts about diesel engines. Most common apprehension for them is the diesel engines have caused higher maintenance. But it is a myth today. The advancement in diesel engine technology made diesel vehicle compete with gasoline ones.

Additional Costs While Buying a New Car

There are some additional costs while buying a new car. You may successfully negotiate the car price, but you cannot avoid these additional costs. Most of the people do not include these in their budgets, because of lack of aware. Documentation fee, vehicle registration fee and sales tax are the most common additional expenses. There are some charges for legal and some are other. Now we will see them in clear.

Car Care Tips in Summer

Car maintenance in summer is a challenging task. Summer heat can affect your car’s performance and may result in breakdown. The summer care is little different than the other seasons. It will help to prevent some common problems faced in summer. In this article, we will discus these problems and how to prevent them.

Dietary Sources of Micronutrients

It is always good to obtain nutrients from natural foods we take daily rather than having supplements. Natural sources have no side effects unlike supplements. Here are some significant sources from which, we can get micronutrients

Safety Driving Tips in Floods

Flood warnings are usually declared through news media such as television and radio. Some times flash floods will happen because of heavy rain. If there are chances of floods then it is better to avoid driving during such circumstances. If possible change your travel schedule. But if you are caught in a flood, here’s what you should do to stay safe while you’re driving the car.

Ways to Manage Stress

Some tips or techniques that control and maintain a person’s stress levels can be called as stress management. Stress affect us in different ways. This can be managed efficiently. Following are different ways to manage stress: