Learning management system includes the software application that is used for administration, documentation, tracking and reporting of training programs. Online and classroom events, training content, and e-learning programs are some of the other things which use learning management system.
Educational, administrative, and deployment requirements are fulfilled by learning management system. Management of users, roles, courses, instructors, and facilities can be done by learning management system. Other features of the system include course calender, messaging students, notifications, display of transcripts and scores, and learning path.
Many web based learning management systems are used that work on various platforms including Java/J2EE, .Net, Microsoft, or PHP. Databases such as Mysql, Oracle or Microsoft Sql Server can be used for back end. Delivery of self-placed, e-learning courses is possible through learning management system.
A range of things can use learning management system, that include management of training and educational records and distribution of courses over the internet. Some of the dimensions of the learning management system include student-self service, training workflow, on-line assessment, training resource management, and management of continuous professional education.
The system can be used at corporate level for planning tools in order to identify skill gaps at individual and departmental level. The system can be integrated with performance tracking and management systems. Assignment of employees for more than one job title at one or more demographic units can be possible with the help of learning management system.
Immediate access for training is one of the benefits of learning management system. There can be no lag in time for training new employees. The other benefits of the system include reduction of delivery costs per course, provision of more time for students, and delivery of training with greater consistency.