Though many home owners consider various styles of gardening, they forget the unique shade gardening. However, gardening at shady areas gives beautiful look to your garden and also helps to add greenery to the shady places.
The shade at some places of your yard may be complete. It may also be a partial shade with five hours of sunlight. Different types of shady plants make your shade garden beautiful.
It is better to choose the shade garden plants according to the degree of shade of the site. The choice of the plants should also match with the conditions of the site instead of changing the pre-existing conditions. Also, select the flowering plants whose bloom colors complement each other to enhance the visual appeal of the garden. The shade garden plants can include flowering annuals, perennials, bulbs and woodland plants.
You can also grow some herbs and leafy vegetables in partial shade. Browallia, begonia and salvia are some of the shade tolerant annuals. Even bulbs like begonia crocus, daffodils and tulips can be grown in shady areas of your garden. However, the bulbs should be stored indoors during winter. Certain perennials such as fern, lilies and wild violets are the best shady plants. In addition, ground covers including barrenwort and Japanese surge can be included in your shade garden.
Light, moisture and fertilizers are the essential things to be considered for shady plants. As sunlight exposure is very minimum, plants requiring less amounts of sunlight should be chosen. Larger trees and other plants may act as an umbrella for the shady plants and do not get water from rainfall. Also, the other shrubs compete with them for moisture from ground. It is, therefore, required to supply water for smaller shady plants. You can also add fertilizers for them to ensure proper growth.