Obesity is the major problem for most of the people all over the world. Many people are aware of their problem and its side effects and they are trying to get out of it as early as possible. But it is not that easy and every treatment which says quick weight loss is not at all good or helpful because weight cannot be reduced that early. However, among all the treatments which offers weight loss, aromatherapy is proved to be one of the effective programs which successfully reduces the weight.
New studies have shown that aromatherapy can be used for weight reduction. The difference between aromatherapy and all the other treatments is that it reduces the emotional issues surrounding weight and some aromas used for the treatment were found effective to control appetite. The relation between smell and appetite is closely related. For example, if we had the smell of some mouth watering dishes or our favorite dishes, it will trigger some positive reactions in brain, causing us to fell hungry. Similarly there are some natural aromas which when smelt reduces our hunger and thus causing less appetite.
Aromatherapic weight loss uses some pure essential oils to balance the appetite, to relieve food cravings, enhance your digestion, metabolism and to burn fats. These oils make the brain cells feel in such a way that you have eaten more and thus you eat less, even though we have taken very less food. And like this they try to control our appetite. So, how great your love towards food or how much your hunger might be you will definitely stop taking large quantities if you smell the scent of the oils.
Some of the essential-oils which are used in the treatment of aromatherapy are Grape fruit, Orange, Lemon, Peppermint and Fennel. Some studies have shown that vanilla can reduce craving for sweets. So if your are sweet lover and want to reduce your habit then just light an vanilla scented aromatherapy candle in your house and you can fell the difference. Grape fruit also found to have the ability to suppress sweet craving with its crisp and bright aroma. So,it is highly used in the treatment of eating disorders and over weight problems.