In huge companies and organizations that use a number of computers, high maintenance of the system is crucial to the system administration. It is essential for them to check the system data on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.
Maintenance on a daily basis includes removing of unnecessary data, weakly basis includes cleaning up the disc and maintaining of log-useful information. On a monthly basis includes the checking of largely useful data and cleaning of unused files. All these updates are to be done time to time as they are really required from system administration. Apart from this, human errors too can very well interrupt in the system, hence automation is required.
Automation can do this process in a very easy way, it ensures smooth maintenance of process. This can be done by the running of the program that will do the job by updating the system or application. Some tools that can be used for performing such processes are, the shell scripting languages. Some software’s are also available for better performance. These all save the cost and time. Some software’s are specifically created for better maintenance of the automation system. Having this task automated tools in your system is more beneficial to you and managers in system administration.