Despite we know brushing and flossing is an important part of maintaining good oral hygiene, tooth decay is still common and occurs in around 40 – 45% people especially in children aged 2-11 years. Therefore, as part of good oral health regime, not only brushing and flossing should be done but also you need to watch out for certain cavity culprits that you may not know and this article discusses the same.
1) Sticky sweet cough syrup
Many of the cough drops and liquid medicines contain a variety of ingredients that make your teeth prone to tooth decay and other oral problems. Ingredients like corn syrup, fructose and sucrose can contribute to tooth decay when bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugars and break them down forming acid as a waste that attacks tooth/teeth. Citric acid also wears out the enamel of your teeth. Moreover, some of the antihistamine syrups also contain low pH levels and high acidity that can be dangerous to your teeth.
2) Chewable vitamins
Chewable vitamins are considered a meal for the bacteria in your mouth, even if they are sugarless. Very often these vitamins contain oligosaccharides, which are a fuel for the bacteria. They also stick to your teeth for long which can be even more problem for your teeth. No doubt, chewable vitamins can be good for your health but make sure you follow it with regular oral hygiene practice namely, brushing and flossing.
3) Non fluoridated bottled water
Fluoride is very essential for your teeth. Drinking non-fluoridated water reduces the protection from tooth decay. Most of the bottled water is not fluoridated. It is also very important to note that too much of fluoride will also make your teeth discolored and can be dangerous to the bones.
4) Extended bottle or breast feeding
According to the research, with breast feeding there is slightly a higher risk of tooth decay when compared with cow’s milk. Nursing baby’s shouldn’t suck on the breast for longer period of time. Moreover, never put your child to bed with bottle that contains milk or juice, because when infants are lying down, they can’t swallow completely and thus the liquid stays on the teeth causing tooth decay.
5) Lemonade, sport drinks and sodas
Citric acid in these drinks combines with sugar, and the bacteria in your mouth feed on these sugars and produce acid, which is harmful to your teeth. The acid dissolves the enamel (protective layer of the teeth) making your teeth more prone to decay. So, these drinks are not good for dental health.