Steps Involved in Event Management

By | June 27, 2014

Event Management is a planned structure to make sure the event is conducted smoothly. It involves events like occasional events, special events, meetings, conferences, etc. Steps involved in event management are stated under. These are very important for event management.

It is the very important stage of every event. If the research is made excellently then risks involved in event management are reduced. Better research is major for any kind of event. It helps to know the needs and desires of targeted group of audience. If research is made at starting stages of the event then there won’t be waste of time and money in later stages. In research phase there is a chance of understanding 5 W’s of the event i.e., why, what, when, where and who.

Why: Why the event is conducted?
What: What are the things you are planning for the event?
When: When the event will be conducted?
Where: The event venue details i.e., where you are going to organize the event?
Who: Who will be your partners, sponsors and organizers for the event?

If you are done with research phase then event manager has a clear understanding of the event and makes his job easy in designing the event. It is one of the crucial stage because here the event managers need to understand the event conceptually and visually. While designing the event for clients you must use your innovative thoughts. Designing mainly depends on the culture of the organization. Thorough analysis and assessment helps to think about needs of the event.

Planning is the longest period in the event management. Because the plan can be changed frequently due to many reasons which results in addition, deletion and substitution. If the research and design are made perfectly and carefully then there is a chance of less time for planning and leads to smooth planning. This phase involves use of time, space and tempo.

This is the execution stage of event. Here you have to make minute by minute activities of the event carefully and you must have ability to make good decisions. Event managers role is major in this phase. He/she has to make correct decisions, must have the ability to solve the problems, must have positive attitude. Thorough analysis must be made to over come the challenges.

Research and evaluation are linked. Here event managers evaluate the research made through a review of all phases involved in event management. It can be reviewed through written survey, mail survey, etc. This helps event manager to know the opinions, respondents knowledge and other factors before and after the event.