Tag Archives: Issues

Differences between Formal and Informal Social Control

Social control can be considered as an important aspect of an individual’s socialization process. There are some universal norms or rules which should be followed by members of all societies. Any deviation from these norms may result in a minimum level of punishment for ensuring the social order. It refers to the processes of regulation… Read More »

Do the three magical words still have the charm?

I remember those days when I first started schooling. The first lesson I have been taught were about the three magical words and their impact on humans. Since then I have been using them every where in the society and been given a recognition as a gentle man. The three magical words Please, Sorry and… Read More »

Say hello to Uncle Liar!

There are many situations in a day when someone is compelled to tell a lie. Philosophers say that it is OK to tell a lie if it is to save someone from getting harm. But there are many Uncle Liars who simply like to lie for no good reason. Or even to cheat people. An… Read More »