Benefits Of Flexibility Training

By | February 13, 2010

A joint’s ability to move through a full range of motion is called flexibility. Flexibility training also known as flexibility stretching helps in balancing muscle groups that are used excessively at the time of exercise or physical activity.


Some of the benefits are listed below:

  • Improved physical performance: A flexible joint enables the individual to move it for a greater range and needs less energy in doing so, which in turn decreases the risk of injury.
  • Decreased risk of injury: Stretching reduces resistance in tissue structures (configuration) which in turn reduces of chances of being injured by increasing tissue extensibility.
  • Reduced muscle soreness: An individual becomes more flexible with static stretching and the   amount of muscle pain experienced after exercise is also reduced. Static stretching includes slow, gradual and controlled expansion of the muscle through the full range of motion and retained for 15-30 seconds in the most comfortable position.
  • Improved Posture: Stretching enhances muscular balance and posture. Stretching will help to align (line up) soft tissue structures and decreases the stress it takes to get and maintain good posture in the regular activities.
  • Increased Blood and Nutrients to Tissues: Stretching raises tissue temperature, which in turn boosts circulation and nutrient transportation. Increased circulation and nutrient transport will result in huge elasticity of surrounding tissues and improves performance.

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