5 Good Ways to Abuse a Gentleman

By | October 31, 2009

Sounds weird! Doesn’t it? Why would any one want to abuse a gentleman? They are so good humans around, and they behave so well.

But gentlemen are not always good to have. I identified the problem few days back when they started troubling my routine life. They are a big nuisance for us when they are roaming around you when you are with your family or girl friend. Two irritating dialogues they pose to me at that instance are “Why don’t you behave like a gentleman?” or “Just learn from him”. Now you know why anybody wants to abuse a gentle man.

Its not a big deal to abuse a gentleman, they are so vulnerable. And it is so easy to take their gentleness away from them within no time. Try these……..

  • Jump suddenly into pool of water on road when he is passing it.
  • Play an old leg-interruption trick, make sure he falls.
  • Laugh at him all of a sudden and laugh till two persons start laughing with you and just escape from the scene.
  • Imitate all his actions and make sure he is watching.
  • Make friendship with him. Either you become a gentleman or he becomes you.

No physical or verbal abuses please! It will push you into severe trouble.

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