Sometimes physicians prescribe drugs which are not required and which are not permitted for children. Drugs, which have dangerous side effects and are toxic in nature, can lead to death. The prescription of psychotropic drugs to children is considered as one the most faulty features of medical practice.
A most familiar prescription drug problem in children is the extreme use of antibiotics to heal viral infections, allergy and other symptoms. The overuse of antibiotics will provide bacterial resistance in the body, which is a serious problem. Government agencies are demanding to control antibiotic use. They are trying to educate both physicians and parents about antibiotics, which are not needed for colds, coughs, ear infections, and digestive upsets. Some viral disorders produce dangerous illnesses, like influenza and adenoviruses that cleans the body at least once a year.
At present, there are restricted antiviral drugs, which are sometimes prescribed, but antibiotics are not helpful to treat them. Most of the viral illnesses can be cured with nursing care, but not with drugs.
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