The substance abuse benefits and programs included by employer are workplace policies, drug testing, employee education/health promotion, Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), and health plan treatment coverage.
An overall employer substance abuse program should consist of:
- A workplace substance abuse education segment.
- Confidential or secret screening by an EAP or health professional.
- Treatment guidelines to an EAP or health professional.
- Confidential care to encourage individuals in recovery.
Employers can start a drug-free workplace ambition with written substance abuse policies. A comprehensive substance abuse policy should include:
- Intention and objectives of the program.
- Description of substance abuse.
- Who is covered or protected by the policy and/or program.
- Under what situations will drug or alcohol testing be conducted.
- Employee rights to confidentiality.
- A substance-free awareness program for employers
- Employee and supervisor training in determining faulty behavior and other signs of substance abuse.
- Outline of how to deal with abused or faulty workers.
- Provisions for helping chronic substance abusers.
- Viable disciplinary actions.
Employers need to indicate that employees can pursue treatment in the declaration, that their privacy and confidentiality will be safeguarded.
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